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arrow_back Regarding Zoom Conference call

en Correos Maliciosos
446 consultas

Hello. This will grab your attention.
You have used Zoom recently, like most of us during these bad COVID times. And I have very unfortunate news for you.
I'll give you some background on what happened.

There was a zero day security vulnerability on Zoom app, that allowed me a full time access to your camera and some other metadata on your account.
I found a few interesting targets through random lookups. You were just unlucky to be on the list.
After that, I did some creepy stuff and a few recordings, just for fun and to test a few things.

And as you can imagine in your worst dreams, this happened. I have made a recording, where you work on yourself.

Please dont blame me or yourself for this, I didn't have any bad intentions. I got very sick, lost my job, about to be evicted and have no money to survive.
All of this because of the stupid virus. I'm sorry. I have no other choice. I do not want you to be the next Jeffrey Toobin.
I'm sure you don't want to be embarrassed. And I dont want to make this video public so your friends and colleagues can see it.

Let's make a deal. You pay me $2000 in bitcoin, and nothing of this will happen. What happens next is up to you. I'll give you 3 days to make the payment.
After you send the money, I will delete the video and forget about you forever. The amount is not negotiable.
Send 0.18 Bitcoin (about 2k at current exchange rate) to my wallet 1KrZBBPRd21BNc6sWF4x1UnoY
P.S. Don't try to report this to police, I use TOR and bitcoin can't be traced. Do not email me back. If you do something stupid, I will distribute the video.
Good luck! Don’t stress!

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1 Reporte

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